webinar Da VMware a Charmed Openstack Come la migrazione a Charmed OpenStack può ridurre significativamente il TCO
case study GMO Pepabo & Ubuntu GMO Pepabo cuts OPEX costs with live kernel patching and saves 2,500 hours of manual work
whitepaper Do VMware ao Charmed OpenStack Reduza os custos e aumente a eficiência da sua infraestrutura com adoção de código aberto
whitepaper Da VMware a OpenStack Come la migrazione a Charmed OpenStack può ridurre significativamente il TCO
event Transforming telco infrastructure Canonical’s experts explore the telecommunication industry’s latest technologies.
whitepaper Five strategies to accelerate Kubernetes in the enterprise How to choose the best approach to Kubernetes for your business
whitepaper Red Hat OpenStack Platform vs Canonical’s Charmed OpenStack Improve security and efficiency at a reduced total cost of ownership with Charmed OpenStack
whitepaper Private cloud security Meeting the highest levels of enterprise requirements with OpenStack
webinar Migrer de VMware à Openstack Webinaire Apprenez comment migrer d’un environnement traditionnel et propriétaire à un cloud OpenStack
whitepaper Migrer de VMWare à OpenStack Passez à Charmed OpenStack et réduisez considérablement vos coûts
webinar Sicherheit in der Private Cloud Höchste Anforderungen in Unternehmensumgebungen mit OpenStack erfüllen.